Climate is what we expect, weather (data) is what we get from APIs

Adam H. Sparks

Curtin Biometry and Agriculture Data Analytics

Why Weather Data?

Photo Credit: Prof Jim Stack, Kansas State University ca. 2000

Ecological modeling has most commonly been based on data from a small spatial or temporal extent and low level of spatial or temporal resolution. When higher resolution data are available, this often makes it possible to develop process-based models, even for high resolution processes such as microbial and arthropod community interactions and ecophysiological processes. Such models can be used, in turn, to create metamodels that do not require as high a level of resolution for input data, and can thus potentially be applied across greater extents. Figure 1 from A. Sparks et al. (2011)

Australian Weather Data

Working With Weather Data

Working with APIs

HTTP Client Packages

{crul} – More developer focused tool
{httr2} – More interactive use focus

Testing Packages

{vcr} – Makes testing faster/saves API hits

GovHack 2016

NATIONAL WINNER: University of Southern Queensland’s Dr Keith Pembleton accepts the GovHack Paddock to Plate award from Professor Andrew Lowe, University of Adelaide for the John Conner vegetable heat stress warning system. Photo from FarmOnline National

John Conner GovHack 2016

In the Beginning

Error 403 Forbidden

get_historical(stationid = "023000", type = "max")

Error in file(con, "r") : 
  cannot open the connection to ''
In addition: Warning message:
In file(con, "r") :
  cannot open URL '':
   HTTP status was '403 Forbidden'

Full Circle

Screenshot of 2024.10.09

Welcome (back) to SILO data just like our GovHack entry…

Welcome {weatherOz}

Lessons Learned

Standardise In-Package

{weatherOz} Integrates Data From 3 Orgs


 # provide some standard names between DPIRD and SILO for easy merging where
  # data values are shared
  # not all columns are renamed, but all are listed for clarity
    old = c(
    new = c(
    skip_absent = TRUE


 # provide some standard names between DPIRD and SILO for easy merging where
  # data values are shared
  # not all columns are renamed, but almost all are listed for clarity
    old = c(
    new = c(
    skip_absent = TRUE

Provide Metadata

Include latitude and longitude in data for DPIRD

An excerpt from weatherOz::get_dpird_summaries() lines

    metadata_file <- file.path(normalizePath(tempdir(), winslash = "/"),

    if (!file.exists(metadata_file)) {
        get_stations_metadata(which_api = "dpird", api_key = api_key),
        file = metadata_file,
        compress = FALSE
  out <- merge(
    x = out,
    y = readRDS(file = metadata_file)[, c(1:2, 5:6)],
    by.x = c("station_code", "station_name"),
    by.y = c("station_code", "station_name")

Simplify API Key Handling

{weatherOz} makes the API keys easy

  • Automate handling of API keys
    • Automatic lookup in R session
    • Automatic checks that you didn’t use the example key
    • Helpful messages if you provide the wrong key

Automate API keys

get_key <- function(service = c("DPIRD", "SILO")) {

  service <- match.arg(service)

  if (service == "DPIRD") {
    DPIRD_API_KEY <- Sys.getenv("DPIRD_API_KEY")

    if (!nzchar(DPIRD_API_KEY)) {
    } else {
  } else {
    SILO_API_KEY <- Sys.getenv("SILO_API_KEY")
    if (!nzchar(SILO_API_KEY)) {
    } else {

Automate API Keys (DPIRD)

  .set_dpird_key <- function() {
    if (interactive()) {

        "You need to set your DPIRD API key.\n",
        "After getting your key set it as 'DPIRD_API_KEY' in .Renviron.\n",
        "For that, use `usethis::edit_r_environ()`"


Automate API Keys (SILO)

.set_silo_key <- function() {
        "Set your SILO API key (email address) as 'SILO_API_KEY' in .Renviron.\n",
        "For that, use `usethis::edit_r_environ()`"


Make Sure It’s the Right Key

SILO (E-mail Address)

.is_valid_email_silo_api_key <- function(.api_key) {
  pattern <- "\\<[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,}\\>"
  if (grepl(pattern, as.character(.api_key), = TRUE)) {
  } else {
    stop("For SILO requests you must use your e-mail address as an API key.
         You have not provided a valid email address.",
         call. = FALSE)

DPIRD (Random String)

.is_valid_dpird_api_key <- function(.api_key) {
  pattern <- "\\<[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,}\\>"
  if (grepl(pattern, as.character(.api_key), = TRUE)) {
    stop("For DPIRD requests you must use your DPIRD provided API key.
         You (may) have provided your e-mail address, which is used
         for the SILO API instead.",
         call. = FALSE)
  } else {

Use a Standard Example API Key

Check for Example Key Use

.check_not_example_api_key <- function(.api_key) {
  if (!is.null(.api_key) && .api_key == "your_api_key") {
    stop("You have copied the example code and not provided a proper API key.
         An API key may be requested from DPIRD or for SILO you must use your
         e-mail address as an API key. See the help for the respective functions
         for more.",
         call. = FALSE)

Illustrations of API Keys In Action

Showing Use of Example Key

  station_code = "BI",
  start_date = "20220101",
  end_date = "20221231",
  api_key = "your_api_key"

Showing Use of get_key()

  station_code = "BI",
  start_date = "20220101",
  end_date = "20221231",
  api_key = get_key(service = "DPIRD") # or "SILO" as necessary

Handle Difficult API Requests Silently

  client <- crul::Paginator$new(
    client = connection,
    limit = .limit,
    limit_param = "limit",
    offset_param = "offset",
    chunk = 1000
  response_data <- client$get(query = .query_list)

Parse Difficult XML Files

#' Extract the Values of a Coastal Forecast XML Object
#' @param xml_object coastal forecast XML object
#' @return a `data.table` of the forecast for further refining
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Adam H. Sparks, \email{}
#' @autoglobal
#' @noRd

.parse_coastal_xml <- function(xml_object) {
  # get the actual forecast objects
  meta <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_object, ".//text")
  fp <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_object, ".//forecast-period")
  locations_index <- data.table::data.table(
    # find all the aacs
    aac = xml2::xml_parent(meta) |>
      xml2::xml_find_first(".//parent::area") |>
    # find the names of towns
    dist_name = xml2::xml_parent(meta) |>
      xml2::xml_find_first(".//parent::area") |>
    # find forecast period index
    index = xml2::xml_parent(meta) |>
      xml2::xml_find_first(".//parent::forecast-period") |>
    start_time_local = xml2::xml_parent(meta) |>
      xml2::xml_find_first(".//parent::forecast-period") |>
    end_time_local = xml2::xml_parent(meta) |>
      xml2::xml_find_first(".//parent::forecast-period") |>
    start_time_utc = xml2::xml_parent(meta) |>
      xml2::xml_find_first(".//parent::forecast-period") |>
    end_time_utc = xml2::xml_parent(meta) |>
      xml2::xml_find_first(".//parent::forecast-period") |>
  vals <- lapply(fp, function(node) {
    # find names of all children nodes
    childnodes <- node |>
      xml2::xml_children() |>
    # find the attr value from all child nodes
    names <- node |>
      xml2::xml_children() |>
    # create columns names based on either node name or attr value
    names <- ifelse(, childnodes, names)
    # find all values
    values <- node |>
      xml2::xml_children() |>
    # create data frame and properly label the columns
    df <- data.frame(t(values), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    names(df) <- names
  vals <- data.table::rbindlist(vals, fill = TRUE)
  sub_out <- cbind(locations_index, vals)
  if ("synoptic_situation" %in% names(sub_out)) {
    sub_out[, synoptic_situation := NULL]
  if ("preamble" %in% names(sub_out)) {
    sub_out[, preamble := NULL]
  if ("warning_summary_footer" %in% names(sub_out)) {
    sub_out[, warning_summary_footer := NULL]
  if ("product_footer" %in% names(sub_out)) {
    sub_out[, product_footer := NULL]
  if ("postamble" %in% names(sub_out)) {
    sub_out[, postamble := NULL]

Use the SILO API

Use the API Interface

.query_silo_api <- function(.station_code = NULL,
                            .longitude = NULL,
                            .latitude = NULL,
                            .start_date = NULL,
                            .end_date = NULL,
                            .values = NULL,
                            .radius = NULL,
                            .api_key = NULL,
                            .dataset) {

  base_url <- ""

  end_point <- data.table::fcase(
    .dataset == "PatchedPoint",
    .dataset == "DataDrill",

  if (.dataset == "PatchedPoint" && .format == "csv") {
    silo_query_list <- list(
      station = as.integer(.station_code),
      start = as.character(.start_date),
      finish = as.character(.end_date),
      format = .format,
      comment = paste(.values, collapse = ""),
      username = .api_key,
      password = "api_request"
  } else if (.dataset == "DataDrill" && .format == "csv") {
    silo_query_list <- list(
      longitude = .longitude,
      latitude = .latitude,
      start = as.character(.start_date),
      finish = as.character(.end_date),
      format = .format,
      comment = paste(.values, collapse = ""),
      username = .api_key,
      password = "api_request"
  } else if (.dataset == "PatchedPoint" && .format == "apsim") {
    silo_query_list <- list(
      station = as.integer(.station_code),
      start = as.character(.start_date),
      finish = as.character(.end_date),
      format = .format,
      username = .api_key
  } else if (.dataset == "PatchedPoint" && .format == "near") {
    silo_query_list <- list(
      station = .station_code,
      radius = .radius,
      format = .format
    } else {
    silo_query_list <- list(
      longitude = .longitude,
      latitude = .latitude,
      start = as.character(.start_date),
      finish = as.character(.end_date),
      format = .format,
      username = .api_key

  client <-
    crul::HttpClient$new(url = sprintf("%s%s", base_url, end_point))
  response <- client$get(query = silo_query_list)


  # check responses for errors
  # check to see if request failed or succeeded
  # - a custom approach this time combining status code,
  #   explanation of the code, and message from the server
  if (response$status_code > 201) {
    mssg <- response$parse("UTF-8")
    x <- response$status_http()
    stop("HTTP (", x$status_code, ") - ", x$explanation, "\n", mssg,
         call. = FALSE)

  # the API won't return proper responses for malformed requests, so, we check
  # for the word "Sorry" and parse the response to the user if something slips
  # through our user checks.
  if (grepl("Sorry", response$parse("UTF8")) ||
      grepl("Request Rejected", response$parse("UTF8"))) {
    stop(call. = FALSE,
         domain = NA)

You Don’t Need to Offer Every Option

#' @param api_group A `string` used to filter the stations to a predefined
#'   group.  These need to be supported on the back end. 'all' returns all
#'   stations, 'api' returns the default stations in use with the API, 'web'
#'   returns the list in use by the and 'rtd' returns
#'   stations with scientifically complete datasets. Available values: 'api',
#'   'all', 'web' and 'rtd'.
.build_query <- function(station_code,
                         api_group = "all",

If the Data Isn’t Available…

Make it!

#' Get DPIRD Summary Weather Data in the APSIM Format From the Weather 2.0 API
#' Automates the retrieval and conversion of summary data from the
#'   \acronym{DPIRD} Weather 2.0 \acronym{API} to an \acronym{APSIM} .met file
#'   formatted weather data object.
#' @param station_code A `character` string or `factor` from
#'   [get_stations_metadata()] of the \acronym{BOM} station code for the station
#'   of interest.
#' @param start_date A `character` string or `Date` object representing the
#'   beginning of the range to query in the format \dQuote{yyyy-mm-dd}
#'   (ISO8601).  Data returned is inclusive of this date.
#' @param end_date A `character` string or `Date` object representing the end of
#'   the range query in the format  \dQuote{yyyy-mm-dd} (ISO8601).  Data
#'   returned is inclusive of this date.  Defaults to the current system date.
#' @param api_key A `character` string containing your \acronym{API} key from
#'   \acronym{DPIRD}, <>, for the
#'   \acronym{DPIRD} Weather 2.0 \acronym{API}.  Defaults to automatically
#'   detecting your key from your local .Renviron, .Rprofile or similar.
#'   Alternatively, you may directly provide your key as a string here.  If
#'   nothing is provided, you will be prompted on how to set up your \R session
#'   so that it is auto-detected.
#' @section Saving objects:
#' To save \dQuote{met} objects the [apsimx::write_apsim_met()] is reexported.
#'   Note that when saving, comments from SILO will be included, but these will
#'   not be printed as a part of the resulting `met` object in your \R session.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get an APSIM format object for Binnu
#' # Note that you need to supply your own API key
#' wd <- get_dpird_apsim(
#'   station_code = "BI",
#'   start_date = "20220101",
#'   end_date = "20221231",
#'   api_key = "your_api_key"
#' )
#' }
#' @author Adam H. Sparks, \email{}
#' @return An \CRANpkg{apsimx} object of class \sQuote{met} with attributes.
#' @family DPIRD
#' @family data fetching
#' @family APSIM
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @autoglobal
#' @export

get_dpird_apsim <- function(station_code,
                            end_date = Sys.Date(),
                            api_key = get_key(service = "DPIRD")) {

  apsim <- get_dpird_summaries(
    station_code = station_code,
    start_date = start_date,
    end_date = end_date,
    interval = "daily",
    values = c(
    api_key = api_key

  site <- apsim$station_name[1]
  latitude <- apsim$latitude[1]
  longitude <- apsim$longitude[1]
  apsim[, day := NULL]
  apsim[, day := lubridate::yday(apsim$date)]
  apsim <-
    apsim[, c(

    old = c(
    new = c("radn", "maxt", "mint", "rain", "evap", "rh", "windspeed")

  apsim <- apsimx::as_apsim_met(
    filename = "weather.met.met",
    x = apsim,
    site = site,
    latitude = latitude,
    longitude = longitude,
    colnames = names(apsim),
    units =  c("()",
    comments = sprintf("!data from DPIRD Weather 2.0 API. retrieved: %s",




Model output of the posibility of Polyphagous Shothole Borer (PSHB) becoming established. The white areas of Australia indicate that the model suggests that this insect cannot become established. Courtesy Prof. Ben Phillips, Curtin University (unpublished).

Recreating an ABC Article

Screenshot from the ABC,

Perth Station Locations

Perth Station Data Availability

Perth High Temperatures in May