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Get Estimates by Size From ABARES





A data.table::data.table object


#>                                       Variable  Year   Size   Value   RSE
#>                                         <char> <int> <char>   <num> <int>
#>    1:            Buildup in trading stocks ($)  1990   High   32041    23
#>    2:                 Capital appreciation ($)  1990   High -107378    28
#>    3:                    Capital at 1 July ($)  1990   High 2823904     8
#>    4:                  Change in farm debt ($)  1990   High   11703    52
#>    5:                         Depreciation ($)  1990   High   52160     8
#>   ---                                                                    
#> 2273:                      Sample Contributing  2022    Low     187    NA
#> 2274:                Total closing capital ($)  2022    Low 4468876     7
#> 2275:                Total non farm income ($)  2022    Low   41979    15
#> 2276:                 Total off farm wages ($)  2022    Low   24723    25
#> 2277: Value of land and fixed improvements ($)  2022    Low 3816964     8

 # or shorter
#>                                       Variable  Year   Size   Value   RSE
#>                                         <char> <int> <char>   <num> <int>
#>    1:            Buildup in trading stocks ($)  1990   High   32041    23
#>    2:                 Capital appreciation ($)  1990   High -107378    28
#>    3:                    Capital at 1 July ($)  1990   High 2823904     8
#>    4:                  Change in farm debt ($)  1990   High   11703    52
#>    5:                         Depreciation ($)  1990   High   52160     8
#>   ---                                                                    
#> 2273:                      Sample Contributing  2022    Low     187    NA
#> 2274:                Total closing capital ($)  2022    Low 4468876     7
#> 2275:                Total non farm income ($)  2022    Low   41979    15
#> 2276:                 Total off farm wages ($)  2022    Low   24723    25
#> 2277: Value of land and fixed improvements ($)  2022    Low 3816964     8