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Working With Estimates

You can download the CSV files directly in your R session as illustrated below.


get_hist_nat_est() |>
#>                             Variable  Year Value   RSE      Industry
#>                               <char> <int> <num> <int>        <char>
#> 1: AI stud fees and herd testing ($)  1990   790    39 All Broadacre
#> 2:           Accounting services ($)  1990  2850     4 All Broadacre
#> 3:             Advisory services ($)  1990   280    37 All Broadacre
#> 4:        Age of owner manager (yrs)  1990    53     1 All Broadacre
#> 5:               Age of spouse (yrs)  1990    49     1 All Broadacre
#> 6:                     Agistment ($)  1990  1950    36 All Broadacre

get_hist_sta_est() |>
#>                             Variable  Year Value   RSE           State      Industry
#>                               <char> <int> <num> <int>          <char>        <char>
#> 1: AI stud fees and herd testing ($)  1990   210   118 New South Wales All Broadacre
#> 2:           Accounting services ($)  1990  2740     7 New South Wales All Broadacre
#> 3:             Advisory services ($)  1990   190   105 New South Wales All Broadacre
#> 4:        Age of owner manager (yrs)  1990    55     2 New South Wales All Broadacre
#> 5:               Age of spouse (yrs)  1990    52     2 New South Wales All Broadacre
#> 6:                     Agistment ($)  1990  2790    71 New South Wales All Broadacre

get_hist_reg_est() |>
#>                             Variable  Year    ABARES region Value   RSE
#>                               <char> <int>           <char> <num> <int>
#> 1: AI stud fees and herd testing ($)  1990 NSW Central West    90    68
#> 2:           Accounting services ($)  1990 NSW Central West  2420    19
#> 3:             Advisory services ($)  1990 NSW Central West   120    80
#> 4:        Age of owner manager (yrs)  1990 NSW Central West    57     5
#> 5:               Age of spouse (yrs)  1990 NSW Central West    51     4
#> 6:                     Agistment ($)  1990 NSW Central West   310    52

Working With AGFD Data

You can download files and pipe directly into the class object that you desire for the Australian Farm Gridded Data (AGFD) data.

Description of the Australian Farm Gridded Data

Directly from the DAFF website:

The Australian Gridded Farm Data are a set of national scale maps containing simulated data on historical broadacre farm business outcomes including farm profitability on an 0.05-degree (approximately 5 km) grid.

These data have been produced by read.abares as part of the ongoing Australian Agricultural Drought Indicator (AADI) project (previously known as the Drought Early Warning System Project) and were derived using read.abares farmpredict model, which in turn is based on read.abares Agricultural and Grazing Industries Survey (AAGIS) data.

These maps provide estimates of farm business profit, revenue, costs and production by location (grid cell) and year for the period 1990-91 to 2022-23. The data do not include actual observed outcomes but rather model predicted outcomes for representative or ‘typical’ broadacre farm businesses at each location considering likely farm characteristics and prevailing weather conditions and commodity prices.

The Australian Gridded Farm Data remain under active development, and as such should be considered experimental.

– Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.


## A list of {stars} objects
star <- get_agfd(cache = TRUE) |>
#> Will return stars object with 612226 cells.
#> No projection information found in nc file. 
#>  Coordinate variable units found to be degrees, 
#>  assuming WGS84 Lat/Lon.

#> stars object with 2 dimensions and 6 attributes
#> attribute(s):
#>                         Min.         1st Qu.         Median           Mean        3rd Qu.
#> farmno          15612.000000 233091.50000000 329567.0000000 324737.7187618 418508.5000000
#> R_total_hat_ha      2.954396      7.88312157     21.7520529    169.5139301    174.8553843
#> C_total_hat_ha      1.304440      4.34079101      9.9449849     93.2210542     95.7221857
#> FBP_fci_hat_ha   -143.759785      3.60529967     11.5796641     76.2928759     77.6748501
#> FBP_fbp_hat_ha   -349.521639      3.36599833     11.5074294     60.0750936     62.8596117
#> A_wheat_hat_ha      0.000000      0.04062786      0.1114289      0.1365683      0.2112845
#>                           Max.   NA's
#> farmno          669706.0000000 443899
#> R_total_hat_ha    2415.7556059 443899
#> C_total_hat_ha    1853.5385298 443899
#> FBP_fci_hat_ha    1186.5830232 443899
#> FBP_fbp_hat_ha    1240.6003218 443899
#> A_wheat_hat_ha       0.5047761 565224
#> dimension(s):
#>     from  to refsys              values x/y
#> lon    1 886 WGS 84 [886] 112,...,156.2 [x]
#> lat    1 691 WGS 84 [691] -44.5,...,-10 [y]

## A {terra} `rast` object
terr <- get_agfd(cache = TRUE) |>

#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 6, 886, 41  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 0.05, 0.05  (x, y)
#> extent      : 111.975, 156.275, -10.275, -9.975  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 
#> source(s)   : memory
#> names       : farmno, R_tot~at_ha, C_tot~at_ha, FBP_f~at_ha, FBP_f~at_ha, A_whe~at_ha, ... 
#> min values  :    NaN,         NaN,         NaN,         NaN,         NaN,         NaN, ... 
#> max values  :    NaN,         NaN,         NaN,         NaN,         NaN,         NaN, ...

## A list of {tidync} objects
tdnc <- get_agfd(cache = TRUE) |>

#> $source
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#>   access              source                                                                 
#>   <dttm>              <chr>                                                                  
#> 1 2024-09-22 19:47:08 /Users/adamsparks/Library/Caches/org.R-project.R/R/read.abares/histori…
#> $axis
#> # A tibble: 84 × 3
#>     axis variable       dimension
#>    <int> <chr>              <int>
#>  1     1 lon                    0
#>  2     2 lat                    1
#>  3     3 farmno                 0
#>  4     4 farmno                 1
#>  5     5 R_total_hat_ha         0
#>  6     6 R_total_hat_ha         1
#>  7     7 C_total_hat_ha         0
#>  8     8 C_total_hat_ha         1
#>  9     9 FBP_fci_hat_ha         0
#> 10    10 FBP_fci_hat_ha         1
#> # ℹ 74 more rows
#> $grid
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#>   grid  ndims variables         nvars
#>   <chr> <int> <list>            <int>
#> 1 D0,D1     2 <tibble [41 × 1]>    41
#> 2 D0        1 <tibble [1 × 1]>      1
#> 3 D1        1 <tibble [1 × 1]>      1
#> $dimension
#> # A tibble: 2 × 8
#>      id name  length unlim coord_dim active start count
#>   <int> <chr>  <dbl> <lgl> <lgl>     <lgl>  <int> <int>
#> 1     0 lon      886 FALSE TRUE      TRUE       1   886
#> 2     1 lat      691 FALSE TRUE      TRUE       1   691
#> $variable
#> # A tibble: 43 × 7
#>       id name            type      ndims natts dim_coord active
#>    <int> <chr>           <chr>     <int> <int> <lgl>     <lgl> 
#>  1     0 lon             NC_DOUBLE     1     2 TRUE      FALSE 
#>  2     1 lat             NC_DOUBLE     1     2 TRUE      FALSE 
#>  3     2 farmno          NC_DOUBLE     2     1 FALSE     TRUE  
#>  4     3 R_total_hat_ha  NC_DOUBLE     2     1 FALSE     TRUE  
#>  5     4 C_total_hat_ha  NC_DOUBLE     2     1 FALSE     TRUE  
#>  6     5 FBP_fci_hat_ha  NC_DOUBLE     2     1 FALSE     TRUE  
#>  7     6 FBP_fbp_hat_ha  NC_DOUBLE     2     1 FALSE     TRUE  
#>  8     7 A_wheat_hat_ha  NC_DOUBLE     2     1 FALSE     TRUE  
#>  9     8 H_wheat_dot_hat NC_DOUBLE     2     1 FALSE     TRUE  
#> 10     9 A_barley_hat_ha NC_DOUBLE     2     1 FALSE     TRUE  
#> # ℹ 33 more rows
#> $attribute
#> # A tibble: 49 × 4
#>       id name       variable       value       
#>    <int> <chr>      <chr>          <named list>
#>  1     0 _FillValue lon            <dbl [1]>   
#>  2     1 units      lon            <chr [1]>   
#>  3     0 _FillValue lat            <dbl [1]>   
#>  4     1 units      lat            <chr [1]>   
#>  5     0 _FillValue farmno         <dbl [1]>   
#>  6     0 _FillValue R_total_hat_ha <dbl [1]>   
#>  7     0 _FillValue C_total_hat_ha <dbl [1]>   
#>  8     0 _FillValue FBP_fci_hat_ha <dbl [1]>   
#>  9     0 _FillValue FBP_fbp_hat_ha <dbl [1]>   
#> 10     0 _FillValue A_wheat_hat_ha <dbl [1]>   
#> # ℹ 39 more rows

## A {data.table} object
get_agfd(cache = TRUE) |>
  read_agfd_dt() |>
#>                            id farmno R_total_hat_ha C_total_hat_ha FBP_fci_hat_ha
#>                        <char>  <num>          <num>          <num>          <num>
#> 1:  15612       7.636519       4.405228       3.231292
#> 2:  21495      14.811169       9.165632       5.645538
#> 3:  23418      24.874456      14.858595      10.015861
#> 4:  24494      15.043653       9.326359       5.717294
#> 5:  32429      23.630099      13.681063       9.949036
#> 6:  32485      15.009926       9.815501       5.194425
#>    FBP_fbp_hat_ha A_wheat_hat_ha H_wheat_dot_hat A_barley_hat_ha H_barley_dot_hat
#>             <num>          <num>           <num>           <num>            <num>
#> 1:       1.766127            NaN             NaN             NaN              NaN
#> 2:       6.178280            NaN             NaN             NaN              NaN
#> 3:      15.504923            NaN             NaN             NaN              NaN
#> 4:       7.212161            NaN             NaN             NaN              NaN
#> 5:       9.612778            NaN             NaN             NaN              NaN
#> 6:       6.582035            NaN             NaN             NaN              NaN
#>    A_sorghum_hat_ha H_sorghum_dot_hat A_oilseeds_hat_ha H_oilseeds_dot_hat R_wheat_hat_ha
#>               <num>             <num>             <num>              <num>          <num>
#> 1:              NaN               NaN               NaN                NaN            NaN
#> 2:              NaN               NaN               NaN                NaN            NaN
#> 3:              NaN               NaN               NaN                NaN            NaN
#> 4:              NaN               NaN               NaN                NaN            NaN
#> 5:              NaN               NaN               NaN                NaN            NaN
#> 6:              NaN               NaN               NaN                NaN            NaN
#>    R_sorghum_hat_ha R_oilseeds_hat_ha R_barley_hat_ha Q_wheat_hat_ha Q_barley_hat_ha
#>               <num>             <num>           <num>          <num>           <num>
#> 1:              NaN               NaN             NaN            NaN             NaN
#> 2:              NaN               NaN             NaN            NaN             NaN
#> 3:              NaN               NaN             NaN            NaN             NaN
#> 4:              NaN               NaN             NaN            NaN             NaN
#> 5:              NaN               NaN             NaN            NaN             NaN
#> 6:              NaN               NaN             NaN            NaN             NaN
#>    Q_sorghum_hat_ha Q_oilseeds_hat_ha S_wheat_cl_hat_ha S_sheep_cl_hat_ha
#>               <num>             <num>             <num>             <num>
#> 1:              NaN               NaN               NaN    0.000046854152
#> 2:              NaN               NaN               NaN    0.000066325878
#> 3:              NaN               NaN               NaN    0.000007771546
#> 4:              NaN               NaN               NaN    0.000070963917
#> 5:              NaN               NaN               NaN    0.000007780997
#> 6:              NaN               NaN               NaN    0.000059600116
#>    S_sheep_births_hat_ha S_sheep_deaths_hat_ha S_beef_cl_hat_ha S_beef_births_hat_ha
#>                    <num>                 <num>            <num>                <num>
#> 1:        0.000048411171        0.000007187978       0.02034820          0.005212591
#> 2:        0.000057753874        0.000009039695       0.02974461          0.007970856
#> 3:        0.000007320093        0.000000000000       0.05393181          0.014745383
#> 4:        0.000062521929        0.000009726773       0.03057606          0.008602196
#> 5:        0.000006834211        0.000000000000       0.04944272          0.011527594
#> 6:        0.000053976389        0.000008478467       0.03322463          0.008456550
#>    S_beef_deaths_hat_ha Q_beef_hat_ha Q_sheep_hat_ha Q_lamb_hat_ha R_beef_hat_ha
#>                   <num>         <num>          <num>         <num>         <num>
#> 1:          0.000989490   0.004790528  0.00007117650             0      7.392679
#> 2:          0.001468278   0.009646485  0.00009448864             0     14.281910
#> 3:          0.002867331   0.014401773  0.00001299674             0     24.308574
#> 4:          0.001446424   0.009577272  0.00010191595             0     14.518771
#> 5:          0.002491037   0.014668761  0.00001283228             0     23.060943
#> 6:          0.001627910   0.009281578  0.00008869032             0     14.474964
#>    R_sheep_hat_ha R_lamb_hat_ha C_fodder_hat_ha C_fert_hat_ha C_fuel_hat_ha C_chem_hat_ha
#>             <num>         <num>           <num>         <num>         <num>         <num>
#> 1:    0.010222802             0       0.3553107  0.0007795925     0.4282799  0.0002169123
#> 2:    0.014485890             0       0.7040333  0.0670951492     0.5663560  0.0212989625
#> 3:    0.001821158             0       0.9473936  0.1475929946     0.9244438  0.0398376851
#> 4:    0.015352095             0       0.7060111  0.0764850563     0.5688555  0.0223214940
#> 5:    0.001892115             0       1.0269189  0.1592835324     0.8337981  0.0416492516
#> 6:    0.013278806             0       0.7019839  0.0997758317     0.5575842  0.0293469147
#>    A_total_cropped_ha FBP_pfe_hat_ha farmland_per_cell    lon    lat
#>                 <num>          <num>             <num>  <num>  <num>
#> 1:     0.000001588013       2.142158          62.26270 142.60 -10.75
#> 2:     0.000144292922       6.679382          61.71605 136.75 -11.05
#> 3:     0.000296036096      16.185389          61.82964 132.90 -11.15
#> 4:     0.000151675639       7.711993          72.85995 136.70 -11.20
#> 5:     0.000316535762      10.294743          61.82964 133.45 -11.60
#> 6:     0.000201161236       7.101658          61.71605 136.25 -11.60

Working With the Soil Thickness Map

You can download the soil depth map and import it as a {stars} or [terra::rast()] object.

get_soil_thickness(cache = TRUE) |>
#> Error in list_files(file, ignore_missing, TRUE, verbosity): File '' does not exist.

x <- get_soil_thickness(cache = TRUE) |>
#> Error in list_files(file, ignore_missing, TRUE, verbosity): File '' does not exist.

For your convenience, {read.abares} re-exports [terra::plot()], so you can just use:

#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'plot': object 'x' not found

Soil Thickness Metadata

By default, a brief bit of metadata is printed to the console when you call the soil thickness object in your R session.

get_soil_thickness(cache = TRUE)
#> Error in list_files(file, ignore_missing, TRUE, verbosity): File '' does not exist.

But, {read.abares} provides a function for you to browse the soil thickness metadata in your console.

get_soil_thickness(cache = TRUE) |>
#> Error in list_files(file, ignore_missing, TRUE, verbosity): File '' does not exist.

But you can also access it directly and use [pander::pander()] to include it in a document like this vignette.

x <- get_soil_thickness(cache = TRUE)
#> Error in list_files(file, ignore_missing, TRUE, verbosity): File '' does not exist.
y <- x$metadata
#> Error: object 'x' not found
#> Error: object 'y' not found
#> Error in if (tail(stdout, 1) == "") {: argument is of length zero