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You may wish to compare the effects of different establishment dates, different seasons or different locations on disease levels. This vignette details how you can automate several runs of {epicrop} in R and visualise them. Examples are given that show how to run the process sequentially and in parallel, decreasing the runtime necessary and how to benchmark your processes to help optimise your workflow.

Multiple seasons

Fetching NASA POWER data for multiple seasons

Start by creating a list of the dates representing the seasons that you want to simulate. In this case, since we specify the duration of the season, there is no need to explicitly state the end-date, that will automatically be determined by get_wth() with the duration argument that we pass along in the purrr::map(). You can use as many start dates, representing as many seasons as you desire, but for the purposes of speed in this vignette, only two will be used.

years <- 2000:2001
seasons <- paste0(years, "-06-30")

Next use get_wth() to fetch the weather data from the POWER API. In this example we will use the IRRI Zeigler Experiment Station coordinates as shown in the example for get_wth(). With the vector of establishment dates, seasons, use purrr::map() to fetch all of the seasons with one function. You could also use R’s base lapply() here as well if you prefer.


seasons_wth <-
    .x = seasons,
    .f = get_wth,
    lonlat = c(121.255669, 14.16742),
    duration = 120

Using {purrr} to simplify the simulation of multiple seasons

Now that we have a list of weather data for two seasons we will use purrr::map_df() now to run predict_bacterial_blight() for two seasons and create a single data frame of the two seasons. Using purrr::map() as above would return a list of two data frames, if you wish. This behaviour would be the same as if you used R’s base lapply() here as well.

Add a column to specify the season, in this case we only have wet seasons for two years, but if you have multiple seasons per year, you can still use this template, e.g., for multiple seasons in one year, use lubridate::ymd().


seasons <- map_df(
  .x = seasons_wth,
  .f = ~ predict_bacterial_blight(emergence = .x$YYYYMMDD[1],
                                  wth = .x)
) |>
  mutate(season = case_when(year(dates) == 2000 ~ 2000,
                            year(dates) == 2001 ~ 2001)) |>
  group_by(season) |>
  relocate(season, AUDPC) |>
  distinct(AUDPC, season)

AUDPC season
11.25 2000
6.022 2001

Visualising differences in AUDPC between seasons

A simple bar chart created using ggplot2 is an effective way to visualise the difference between the two seasons.

       aes(y = as.factor(season),
           x = AUDPC)) +
  geom_col(width = 0.5,
           orientation = "y") +
  ylab("Season") +
Bacterial blight area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) for the 2000 and 2001 wet seasons at the IRRI Zeigler Experiment Station in Calabarzon, Philippines.
Bacterial blight area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) for the 2000 and 2001 wet seasons at the IRRI Zeigler Experiment Station in Calabarzon, Philippines.

Simulating multiple seasons with {furrr} using parallel processing

Using {furrr}, we can do the same thing in parallel to reduce the runtime, especially if you have several seasons.

A note on the use of parallel processing

Use parallel processing with caution. {epicrop} is highly optimised for speed (as much as pure R can be). For small runs, e.g. one or two seasons or locations, this is will not reduce the time and may increase the run time due to overhead setting up and running the parallel processing. Best guess is that unless you have > 40 or 50 seasons or locations or some combinations thereof; to run the processes in parallel will not be any benefit.

In this case, while this code runs, you can benchmark it and see that this is no faster and in some cases, slower than running the code sequentially. An example benchmarking different methods is provided here.


# Respect the API server and use 1 core
plan(multisession, workers = 1)

years <- 2000:2001
seasons <- paste0(years, "-06-30")
seasons_wth <-
    .x = seasons,
    .f = get_wth,
    lonlat = c(121.255669, 14.16742),
    duration = 120,
    .options = furrr_options(seed = NULL)

# for local processing use 2 cores, this will assign one to each year, if you
# have more years and more cores, e.g., an HPC, explore using more resources

plan(multisession, workers = 2)

# run predict_bacterial_blight() over the data frames of weather
  .x = seasons_wth,
  .f = ~ predict_bacterial_blight(emergence = .x$YYYYMMDD[1],
                                  wth = .x),
  .options = furrr_options(seed = NULL)
) |>
  mutate(season = case_when(year(dates) == 2000 ~ 2000,
                            year(dates) == 2001 ~ 2001)) |>
  group_by(season) |>
  relocate(season, AUDPC) |>
  distinct(AUDPC, season) |>
AUDPC season
11.25 2000
6.022 2001

We can see here that the AUDPC values match using both processing methods.

Multiple establishment dates

Using {purrr} to simulate multiple establishment dates

To simulate multiple establishment dates and across multiple years at the same time we can use purrr::expand_grid() to create a vector of all year and month-day combinations that we wish to simulate.

Simplifying the weather data, we will only use the first date of each year and fetch weather data using the duration option, specifying 180 days. This gives six months of data and extends to the end and a bit beyond the last growing season of the final establishment date, “01-31”. predict_bacterial_blight() will take the full six months of weather data and subset for the respective growing seasons, selecting only the necessary weather data.

Using purrr::map2 allows for using two variables, one for weather data, wth, and one for the emergence/establishment dates, emergence_dates. This returns a list of data, but using dplyr::bind_rows(.id = "emergence") creates a data frame with a column of emergence/establishment dates that can be used for grouping the data for further analysis or visualisation.


years <- as.character(2001:2010)
month_day <- c("-06-01", "-06-14", "-06-30")
emergence_dates <-
  expand_grid(years, month_day) |>
  unite("emergence_dates", years:month_day, sep = "") |>
  pull(emergence_dates) |>
  sort() |>

# Respect the API server and use 1 core
plan(multisession, workers = 1)

# create a vector of dates for weather data.
# Only take the earliest establishment date, then extend the duration out past
# 120 days from final establishment date.
# Here just taking 180 days, 6 months, works well.
wth_start_dates <- paste0(years, month_day[1])

seasons_wth <- map_dfr(
  .x = wth_start_dates,
  .f = get_wth,
  lonlat = c(121.255669, 14.16742),
  duration = 180
) |>
  mutate(YYYYMMDD = as_date(YYYYMMDD))

# Now use 4 cores for the local processing
plan(multisession, workers = 4)

# Once we have all the weather, create a list of weather data.frames for each
# establishment date
# Create time intervals to subset the weather data, creating a list new
# data.frames for each establishment date.

wth <-
  map(.x = emergence_dates,
      .f = ~ subset(seasons_wth, YYYYMMDD >= .x &
                      YYYYMMDD <= .x + 120)) |>

multi_dates <- map2(
  .x = wth,
  .y = emergence_dates,
  .f = ~ predict_bacterial_blight(emergence = .y,
                                  wth = .x)
) |>
  bind_rows(.id = "emergence") |>
  group_by(emergence) |>
  relocate(emergence, AUDPC) |>
  distinct(AUDPC, emergence)

AUDPC emergence
11.9 2001-06-01
7.111 2001-06-14
6.022 2001-06-30
12.59 2002-06-01
10.58 2002-06-14
12.31 2002-06-30
10.28 2003-06-01
10.7 2003-06-14
15.41 2003-06-30
10.44 2004-06-01
13.45 2004-06-14
10.31 2004-06-30
14.43 2005-06-01
13.97 2005-06-14
15.25 2005-06-30
15.21 2006-06-01
14.16 2006-06-14
12.74 2006-06-30
7.917 2007-06-01
7.269 2007-06-14
11.02 2007-06-30
9.418 2008-06-01
9.072 2008-06-14
10.38 2008-06-30
4.916 2009-06-01
9.179 2009-06-14
6.91 2009-06-30
14.08 2010-06-01
16.45 2010-06-14
16.13 2010-06-30

That’s a bit long and there’s lots of values to digest here.

Visualising multiple establishment dates using a stem plot

A bar chart as with the previous example works, but it can be simplified and made more clear using a stem plot created with ggplot2. Using ggplot2::geom_segment() and ggplot2::geom_point() we can maximise the ink to information ratio and create an easy to view and interpret graph of these data.

Note the additional ggplot2::aes() parameters here, xend and yend are necessary since we’re using ggplot2::geom_segment().

ggplot(data = multi_dates,
         x = AUDPC,
         xend = 0,
         y = as.factor(emergence),
         yend = as.factor(emergence)
       )) +
  geom_segment() +
  geom_point() +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.1))) +
  scale_y_discrete(limits = rev) +
  ylab("Establishment Date") +
Rice bacterial blight area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) values for three establishment dates over ten years at the IRRI Zeigler Experiment Station in Calabarzon, Philippines.
Rice bacterial blight area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) values for three establishment dates over ten years at the IRRI Zeigler Experiment Station in Calabarzon, Philippines.

Using {furrr} to run multiple establishment dates in parallel

To run the previous example in parallel, substitute {furrr} equivalent functions for the {purrr} functions used above. These are easily identified by the future_ prefix on each of the functions where they are used.

In this example rather than printing the whole table, the data are piped directly into the ggplot2::ggplot() function for creating a figure that again, is the same as the previous example, but run in parallel using {furrr}.


plan(multisession, workers = 1)

years <- 2001:2010
month_day <- c("06-01", "06-14", "06-30")
start_dates <- list(years, month_day, sep = "-")

emergence_dates <-
  tidyr::expand_grid(!!!start_dates) |>
  pmap_chr(paste) |>
  sort() |>

Now, create a vector of dates for weather data. Only take the earliest establishment date, then extend the duration out past 120 days from final establishment date. Here just taking 180 days, 6 months, works well.

wth_start_dates <- paste(years, month_day[1], sep = "-")

seasons_wth <-
    .x = wth_start_dates,
    .f = get_wth,
    lonlat = c(121.255669, 14.16742),
    duration = 190,
    .options = furrr_options(seed = NULL)
  ) |>
  mutate(YYYYMMDD = as_date(YYYYMMDD))

Once we have all the weather, create a list of weather data.frames for each establishment date. Create time intervals to subset the weather data, creating a list new data.frames for each establishment date.

# Now use 4 cores for the local processing
plan(multisession, workers = 4)

wth <-
  future_map(.x = emergence_dates,
             .y = seasons_wth,
             .f = ~ subset(.y, YYYYMMDD >= .x &
                          YYYYMMDD <= .x + 120)) |>

  .x = wth,
  .y = emergence_dates,
  .f = ~ predict_bacterial_blight(emergence = .y,
                                  wth = .x),
  .options = furrr_options(seed = NULL)
) |>
  bind_rows(.id = "emergence") |>
  group_by(emergence) |>
  relocate(emergence, AUDPC) |>
  distinct(AUDPC, emergence) |>
    x = AUDPC,
    xend = 0,
    y = as.factor(emergence),
    yend = as.factor(emergence)
  )) +
  geom_segment() +
  geom_point() +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.1))) +
  scale_y_discrete(limits = rev) +
  ylab("Establishment Date") +
plot of chunk create-data.frames-parallel
plot of chunk create-data.frames-parallel

Multiple locations

Using {purrr} to simulate multiple locations

Multiple locations will look much like the previous example for multiple seasons (years) but a vector of latitude and longitude values are provided to get_wth(). In this example we will fetch data for the Mekong River Delta and Red River Delta in Vietnam; Prachin Buri, Thailand; Chennai, India and Nueva Ecija, in the Philippines for the wet season (second half of the year) in 2000.

locations <- list(
  "Mekong River" = c(105.5943, 10.0634),
  "Red River" = c(105.9700, 20.9034),
  "Prachin Buri" = c(101.6601, 14.0421),
  "Chennai" = c(80.2707, 13.0827),
  "Neuva Ecija" = c(121.1113, 15.5784)

Next use get_wth() to fetch the weather data from the POWER API. With the list of locations, locations, use purrr::map() to fetch all of the locations with one function. You could also use R’s base lapply() here as well if you prefer.


locations_wth <-
    .x = locations,
    .f = get_wth,
    dates = "2000-06-30",
    duration = 120

Simulating multiple locations with {purrr}

This behaviour would be the same as if you used R’s base lapply() here as well. The process for using {furrr} won’t be shown here, but to implement several locations or year locations and planting date simulations in parallel would be as shown above.


  .x = locations_wth,
  .f = ~ predict_bacterial_blight(emergence = .x$YYYYMMDD[1],
                                  wth = .x)
) |>
  bind_rows(.id = "location") |>
  group_by(location) |>
  relocate(location, AUDPC) |>
  distinct(AUDPC, location) |>
    x = AUDPC,
    xend = 0,
    y = as.factor(location),
    yend = as.factor(location)
  )) +
  geom_segment() +
  geom_point() +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.1))) +
  scale_y_discrete(limits = rev) +
  ylab("Location") +
Rice bacterial blight area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) values for an establishment date of June 30, 2000 at five locations, Mekong River Delta and Red River Delta in Vietnam; Prachin Buri, Thailand; Chennai, India and Nueva Ecija, in the Philippines.
Rice bacterial blight area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) values for an establishment date of June 30, 2000 at five locations, Mekong River Delta and Red River Delta in Vietnam; Prachin Buri, Thailand; Chennai, India and Nueva Ecija, in the Philippines.

Benchmarking sequential versus parallel methods

It is possible to measure the effect of running the simulations in parallel as compared to sequentially using the {microbenchmark} package. Here an example of how to use benchmarking is shown using the second set of examples showing how to simulate multiple establishment dates with the already created objects from those examples.

Greater gains in efficiency will be realised with more dates, locations, etc. when running in parallel than sequentially.


plan(multisession, workers = 4)

mbm <- microbenchmark(
  sequential = map2(
    .x = wth,
    .y = emergence_dates,
    .f = ~ predict_bacterial_blight(emergence = .y,
                                    wth = .x)
  ) |>
    bind_rows(.id = "emergence"),
  parallel = future_map2(
    .x = wth,
    .y = emergence_dates,
    .f = ~ predict_bacterial_blight(emergence = .y,
                                    wth = .x),
    .options = furrr_options(seed = NULL)
  ) |>
    bind_rows(.id = "emergence"),
  times = 100L

#> Unit: milliseconds
#>        expr      min       lq     mean   median        uq       max neval cld
#>  sequential 47.57136 53.30816 55.21092 54.65694  56.15348  71.51696   100  a 
#>    parallel 82.19385 85.69098 98.08625 90.86654 100.31386 464.95562   100   b

autoplot(mbm) +
Microbenchmark results comparing sequential and parallel processing methods simulating three different establishment dates over ten years at the IRRI Zeigler Experiment Station in Calabarzon, Philippines
Microbenchmark results comparing sequential and parallel processing methods simulating three different establishment dates over ten years at the IRRI Zeigler Experiment Station in Calabarzon, Philippines