Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Removed (SEIR) Model Framework
This function is originally used by specific disease models in ‘EPIRICE’ to model disease intensity of several rice diseases. Given proper values it can be used with other pathosystems as well.
- wth
of weather on a daily time-step containing data with the following field names.Field Name Value YYYYMMDD Date as Year Month Day (ISO8601) DOY Consecutive day of year, commonly called "Julian date" TEMP Mean daily temperature (°C) RHUM Mean daily relative humidity (%) RAIN Mean daily rainfall (mm) LAT Optional latitude of weather observation, see LAT/LON Note LON Optional longitude of weather observation, see LAT/LON Note - emergence
expected date of plant emergence (or transplanting for rice) entered in
format (character). Described in Table 1 of Savary et al. 2012 and Table 1 of Savary et al. 2015.- onset
expected number of days until the onset of disease after emergence date (day, integer). Described in Table 1 of Savary et al. 2012 and Table 1 of Savary et al. 2015.
- duration
simulation duration i.e., growing season length (day, integer). Described in Table 1 of Savary et al. 2012 and Table 1 of Savary et al. 2015.
- rhlim
relative humidity value threshold to decide whether leaves are wet or not (numeric). Described in Table 1 of Savary et al. 2012. Savary et al. 2012 used 90%.
- rainlim
rainfall amount (mm) threshold to decide whether leaves are wet or not (numeric). Described in Table 1 of Savary et al. 2012. Savary et al. 2012 used 5mm.
- H0
initial number of plant's healthy sites (integer). Described in Table 1 of Savary et al. 2012 and Table 1 of Savary et al. 2015.
- I0
initial number of infective sites (integer). Described in Table 1 of Savary et al. 2012 and Table 1 of Savary et al. 2015.
- RcA
modifier for Rc (the basic infection rate corrected for removals) for crop age (numeric vector). Described in Table 1 of Savary et al. 2012 Table 1 of Savary et al. 2015.
- RcT
modifier for Rc (the basic infection rate corrected for removals) for temperature (numeric vector). Described in Table 1 of Savary et al. 2012 and Table 1 of Savary et al. 2015.
- RcOpt
potential basic infection rate corrected for removals (numeric). Derived from Table 1 of Savary et al. 2012 and Table 1 of Savary et al. 2015.
- p
duration of latent period (day, integer). Described in Table 1 of Savary et al. 2012 and Table 1 of Savary et al. 2015.
- i
duration of infectious period (day, integer). Described in Table 1 of Savary et al. 2012 and Table 1 of Savary et al. 2015.
- Sx
maximum number of sites (integer). Described in Table 1 of Savary et al. 2012 and Table 1 of Savary et al. 2015.
- a
aggregation coefficient, values are from 1 to >1 (numeric). Described in Table 1 of Savary et al. 2012 and Table 1 of Savary et al. 2015. See further details in a - Aggregation section.
relative rate of physiological senescence (numeric). Described in Table 1 of Savary et al. 2012 and Table 1 of Savary et al. 2015.
relative rate of growth (numeric). Described in Table 1 of Savary et al. 2012 and Table 1 of Savary et al. 2015.
A data.table()
containing the following columns:
- simday
Zero indexed day of simulation that was run
- dates
Date of simulation
- sites
Total number of sites present on day "x"
- latent
Number of latent sites present on day "x"
- infectious
Number of infectious sites present on day "x"
- removed
Number of removed sites present on day "x"
- senesced
Number of senesced sites present on day "x"
- ratinf
Rate of infection
- rtransfer
Rate of transfer from latent to infectious sites
- rgrowth
Rate of growth of healthy sites
- rsenesced
Rate of senescence of healthy sites
- diseased
Number of diseased (latent + infectious + removed) sites on day "x"
- intensity
Proportion of diseased (latent + infectious + removed) sites per total sites not including removed sites on day "x"
Area under the disease progress curve AUDPC for the simulation
- lat
Latitude value if provided by the
object- lon
Longitude value if provided by the
a - Aggregation
When a is set to 1
the assumption is that that there is no disease
aggregation with new infections occurring at random among the healthy sites.
When a is greater than 1
there is aggregation in the disease occurrence,
the pathogen is unable to access the entire population of healthy sites,
which results in disease aggregation. Refer to Savary et al. (2012) for
greater detail.
If the wth
object provides LAT and LON columns, these will be included
in the output for mapping purposes. Both values must be present. These
columns are provided by default when using get_wth()
Sparks, A.H., P.D. Esker, M. Bates, W. Dall' Acqua, Z. Guo, V. Segovia, S.D. Silwal, S. Tolos, and K.A. Garrett, 2008. Ecology and Epidemiology in R: Disease Progress over Time. The Plant Health Instructor. DOI: doi:10.1094/PHI-A-2008-0129-02 .
Madden, L. V., G. Hughes, and F. van den Bosch. 2007. The Study of Plant Disease Epidemics. American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. DOI: doi:10.1094/9780890545058 .
Savary, S., Nelson, A., Willocquet, L., Pangga, I., and Aunario, J. Modeling and mapping potential epidemics of rice diseases globally. Crop Protection, Volume 34, 2012, Pages 6-17, ISSN 0261-2194 DOI: doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2011.11.009 .
Adam H. Sparks,
# get weather for IRRI Zeigler Experiment Station in wet season 2000
wth <- get_wth(
lonlat = c(121.25562, 14.6774),
dates = c("2000-06-30", "2000-12-31")
# provide suitable values for brown spot intensity
RcA <-
cbind(c(0L, 20L, 40L, 60L, 80L, 100L, 120L),
c(0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.47, 0.59, 0.71, 1.0))
RcT <-
cbind(c(15L, 20L, 25L, 30L, 35L, 40L),
c(0, 0.06, 1.0, 0.85, 0.16, 0))
emergence <- "2000-07-15"
wth = wth,
emergence = emergence,
onset = 20,
duration = 120,
rhlim = 90,
rainlim = 5,
RcA = RcA,
RcT = RcT,
RcOpt = 0.61,
p = 6,
i = 19,
H0 = 600,
I0 = 1,
a = 1,
Sx = 100000,
RRS = 0.01,
RRG = 0.1
#> simday dates sites latent infectious removed senesced
#> <int> <Date> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 1 2000-07-15 600.0000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.00000
#> 2: 2 2000-07-16 653.6400 0.000 0.000 0.0000 6.00000
#> 3: 3 2000-07-17 712.0404 0.000 0.000 0.0000 12.53640
#> 4: 4 2000-07-18 775.6170 0.000 0.000 0.0000 19.65680
#> 5: 5 2000-07-19 844.8209 0.000 0.000 0.0000 27.41297
#> ---
#> 116: 116 2000-11-07 84935.3759 2397.238 1924.106 193.6346 51458.57203
#> 117: 117 2000-11-08 84982.0602 2096.164 2225.180 193.6346 52307.92579
#> 118: 118 2000-11-09 83854.0436 3266.923 2225.180 193.6346 53157.74639
#> 119: 119 2000-11-10 82652.3242 4142.047 2516.686 230.4750 54033.12717
#> 120: 120 2000-11-11 81282.3276 5044.983 2948.716 266.9368 54896.11230
#> rateinf rtransfer rgrowth rsenesced diseased intensity AUDPC
#> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 0.000 0.0000 59.64000 6.000000 0.000 0.00000000 0.6723426
#> 2: 0.000 0.0000 64.93675 6.536400 0.000 0.00000000 0.6723426
#> 3: 0.000 0.0000 70.69703 7.120404 0.000 0.00000000 0.6723426
#> 4: 0.000 0.0000 76.96012 7.756170 0.000 0.00000000 0.6723426
#> 5: 0.000 0.0000 83.76837 8.448209 0.000 0.00000000 0.6723426
#> ---
#> 116: 0.000 301.0740 896.03812 849.353759 4514.978 0.04841477 0.6723426
#> 117: 1170.759 0.0000 892.56329 849.820602 4514.978 0.04838946 0.6723426
#> 118: 1203.470 328.3462 877.13163 875.380778 5685.738 0.06146995 0.6723426
#> 119: 1371.428 468.4924 864.41667 862.985132 6889.208 0.07455665 0.6723426
#> 120: 1601.380 583.8462 849.97224 855.605521 8260.636 0.08953915 0.6723426
#> lat lon
#> <num> <num>
#> 1: 14.6774 121.2556
#> 2: 14.6774 121.2556
#> 3: 14.6774 121.2556
#> 4: 14.6774 121.2556
#> 5: 14.6774 121.2556
#> ---
#> 116: 14.6774 121.2556
#> 117: 14.6774 121.2556
#> 118: 14.6774 121.2556
#> 119: 14.6774 121.2556
#> 120: 14.6774 121.2556